$db = new mysqli(‘localhost’, ‘chadwick_waterne’, ‘mYc!ean_?Water16’, ‘chadwick_waterdata’);
$beachID = isset($_GET[‘beachid’]) ? $_GET[‘beachid’] : 7;
$beachData = array();
$beachMeta = array();
$dropDownData = array();
$failGuide = array(
‘Coliform’ => 0,
‘Ecoli’ => 0,
‘Faecal’ => 0
$failMandatory = array(
‘Coliform’ => 0,
‘Ecoli’ => 0,
‘Faecal’ => 0
if($db->connect_errno > 0){
die(‘Unable to connect to database [‘ . $db->connect_error . ‘]’);
// Retrieve Beach Name
$beachQuery = “SELECT * FROM `tblBeachNew` WHERE `BeachID`='{$beachID}’ LIMIT 1;”;
if(!$beachTable = $db->query($beachQuery)) {
die(“error getting [{$db->error}]”);
$beachMeta = $beachTable->fetch_assoc();
// Retreive data for this beach
$chosenYear = isset($_POST[‘resultYear’]) ? $_POST[‘resultYear’] : ‘2014-04-20′;
$sql = “SELECT `Date`, `Ecoli`, `Faecal`, `Coliform` FROM `tblBeachResultsNew` WHERE `BeachID`='{$beachID}’ “;
if($chosenYear !== false) {
// sanitize chosenYear by converting it to a date
$chosenYear = date(‘Y-m-d’, strtotime($chosenYear));
$sql .= “AND YEAR(`Date`)='{$chosenYear}’ “;
$sql .= “ORDER BY `Date` DESC;”;
if(!$beachDataTable = $db->query($sql)) {
die(“error getting [{$db->error}]”);
/* *
* Fail code index
* 0 : Coliform Guide
* 1 : Coliform Mandatory
* 2 : Ecoli Guide
* 3 : Ecoli Mandatory
* 4 : Faecal Guide
* 5 : Faecal Mandatory
* */
// Iterate over data, counting and marking failures
while($row = $beachDataTable->fetch_assoc()) {
// fishtacos – we can dry this up if we have time
// Check if we fail guide value
if($row[‘Coliform’] > $beachMeta[‘GuideColif_Value’]) {
// Mark for this index
$row[‘failures’][] = 0;
// Increment count of failures
// We failed guide, so see if we fail Mandatory
if($row[‘Coliform’] > $beachMeta[‘ManColif_Value’]) {
// Mark fail index
$row[‘failures’][] = 1;
// Increment
if($row[‘Ecoli’] >= $beachMeta[‘GuideEcoli_Value’]) {
$row[‘failures’][] = 2;
if($row[‘Ecoli’] > $beachMeta[‘ManEcoli_Value’]) {
$row[‘failures’][] = 3;
if($row[‘Faecal’] > $beachMeta[‘GuideFaecal_Value’]) {
$row[‘failures’][] = 4;
if ($beachMeta[‘ManFaecal_Value’] != null){
if($row[‘Faecal’] > $beachMeta[‘ManFaecal_Value’]) {
$row[‘failures’][] = 5;
// Format date we’ll output later
$row[‘Date’] = date(‘j M Y’, strtotime($row[‘Date’]));
$beachData[] = $row;
// Retreive list of years for beachID
$sql = “SELECT DISTINCT YEAR(`Date`) as year FROM `tblBeachResultsNew` WHERE `BeachID`='{$beachID}’ ORDER BY year DESC;”;
if(!$beachYearsData = $db->query($sql)) {
die(“error getting [{$db->error}]”);
while($year = $beachYearsData->fetch_assoc()) {
if($year[‘year’]!=2015 and $year[‘year’]!=2016)
$dropDownData[$year[‘year’]] = $year[‘year’] . ‘-01-01’;
// Checks if a given row fails for mandatory, and if not, check for guide
// Return empty, red or green color.
function ifFailed($day, $guideIndex) {
if(isset($day[‘failures’])) {
if(in_array($guideIndex + 1, $day[‘failures’])) {
return ” style=\”background-color:#FF3B57;color:white;\””;
if(in_array($guideIndex, $day[‘failures’])) {
return ” style=\”background-color:#73C11A;color:white;\””;
return “”;
[insert_php] echo $beachMeta[‘Beach’]; [/insert_php]
Date | TOTAL COLIFORMS/100ml |
MANDATORY STANDARD | [insert_php] echo $beachMeta[‘ManColif’]; [/insert_php] | [insert_php] echo $beachMeta[‘ManEcoli’]; [/insert_php] | [insert_php] echo $beachMeta[‘ManFaecal’]; [/insert_php] |
GUIDE VALUES | [insert_php] echo $beachMeta[‘GuideColif’]; [/insert_php] | [insert_php] echo $beachMeta[‘GuideEcoli’]; [/insert_php] | [insert_php] echo $beachMeta[‘GuideFaecal’]; [/insert_php] |
Failed Mandatory | [insert_php] echo $failMandatory[‘Coliform’]; [/insert_php] | [insert_php] echo $failMandatory[‘Ecoli’]; [/insert_php] | [insert_php] echo $failMandatory[‘Faecal’]; [/insert_php] |
Failed Guide | [insert_php] echo $failGuide[‘Coliform’]; [/insert_php] | [insert_php] echo $failGuide[‘Ecoli’]; [/insert_php] | [insert_php] echo $failGuide[‘Faecal’]; [/insert_php] |
‘ . $day[‘Date’] . ‘ | ‘ . $day[‘Coliform’] . ‘ | ‘ . $day[‘Ecoli’] . ‘ | ‘ . $day[‘Faecal’] . ‘ |